Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Power of Vision

The movie that we saw in class today was very inspirational. The funny thing is, my dad always told me to have a positive outlook on life and look on the bright side of everything. I guess this concept can do a lot of good to a lot of different people and organizations and even affect countries. There are a few goals that I have that I would really like to achieve in my lifetime.

1. TO get a good job in the field that I am interested in, mainly Finance, and hopefully get a management level position.
2. To be able to support my whole family and take the burden on my own shoulders.
3. Eventually, own my own business and be my own boss.

What I envision in my future is me earning enough money so that I can support my whole family. Ever since I was little, I was always grown up with the mentality that the young take care of the old. In fact, thats how my whole community/culture is. So my family means a lot to me and I would do anything for them. I plan on working hard for a decade after I graduate so that way I gain experience, become more mature and responsible and also build up my capital to eventually start my own business. I am still not sure about what my business would be but I know that I want to have my own business. It might not be in 10 years. Maybe, it might be a few decades later who knows? I hope that whichever company I go to work for, I end up at a top-level post. thats my ultimate goal. I am not afraid to work hard or anything because I know the driving force that makes me go out and do it. Maybe I might open up a business with a friend of mine but who knows?

Anyways, this is what I see for myself in my future. Being my own boss and supporting my family. These are the two big things which mean a lot to me. I will reach this end by working hard and doing whatever it is that is necessary.