Friday, March 26, 2010

Decision Making

In class, the professor had given us an option that if we all could come to 100% agreement on what should be done about the low scores on the test, than he would do it. However, it isnt as easy it seemed. There were people that got 100s and didn't want anything to do with it while there were others who got 40s and wanted a lot to be done, so you can just imagine the variety of ideas thrown out. But, the first step we had to accomplish was electing a leader. We were thankful that Bailey immediately rose up to the task and coordinated everything. Through out this whole process. a strong leadership is needed to get some successful results.

The ways that I used to come to decision that was agreeable with everyone were: Compromise, Accomodation and Collaboration. I used these 3 methods because nothing can be done without them. If everyone were stubborn and just stuck to their point of view, than nothing would get done. So, in order to reach some type of decision, everybody had to compromise, evaluate their situations, think about what their classmates are going through and from what angle they are coming from, and at the same time, see if they ideas thrown out are feasible and if the professor would actually implement it. Everybody had to cooperate and look at the idea from the point of view of the aggregate, instead of only thinking about themselves. Therefore, we all had to work together and hammer out a decision that would appease everybody and do good for the whole class, the people with As and the people that failed.

I cannot think any other way to handle this situation than the way it was handled. As I illustrated above, you cannot just choose one method and hope that it will work out. What I learned from this activity is that when trying to resolve a conflict, you have to implement more than one method to get the end desired result.


  1. I think we were absolutely lucky we got this one! What are the chances that a whole group of 60 people would agree on such a terrible decision like this! At first, I gave up 100% and I was just raising my hand for everything, but when Bailey stood up I realized we could actually do this!

  2. Well thanks for the confidence and agreement. I am just BEYOND glad that we reached any decision, and that it benefited everyone!
